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 "Don't think smart -- think Savvy"
The best quality sound for quality prices.



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Their Mission

To provide striving artists with the tools they need to succeed in this industry.

Their Vision

Established in 2001, two musicians came together with a vision.  They realized that recording studios were becoming costly for basic needs (recording and composition). They set out to provide music accompaniments, arrangements, and recording services to the music community at affordable prices.  Since then, not one thing has changed. They've worked with budding artists/musicians ready to take the music world by storm. They are producers that understand how  hard it can be to be a slave to this art, and they are ready to help you in any way possible.

In association with: Bug Music, Big Break Productions, Rush Hour Records, Kindred Spirits, and Katch22 Music Management

Some Artists include: Jaymz Nylon, Sokunthary Svay, Martine Bruno, Dorian Lake, Rudy Stephan, Patty Campos, Lord Vain, & Ghetto Life

Contact Information

718 490 4051
718 228 7766
Electronic mail
Subscribe to our newsletter: info@savvyrecordings.com
Sales: edwin@savvyrecordings.com

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Copyright © 2004 Savvy Productions